Brent wants to use the same image on each page of his site, but wants to have a different color in a part of that image from one page to the next. Using an image software editor, he decides to create a master layered image with the changes on their own layer. Which file format would allow Brent to accomplish this task?
Answer: C
During a project meeting, Eric explains the need for a development server to host the company’s new Web site during development. Eric’s IT co-workers want to know who will have access to the development server. What should Eric tell them?
A. The development server will be accessible to all members of the organization as well as the public.
B. The development server will be accessible to the development team and to authorized members of the organization.
C. The development server will be accessible to the public in order to collect public opinion on the development of the Web site.
D. The development server will be accessible to all members of the organization in order to obtain their suggestions on the development of the Web site.
Answer: B
Kara is using FrontPage 2003 to build a new Web site. She has just finished creating a template page that contains the layout, fonts and menu items for all other pages in the site, as well as an editable region for each page’s individual content. Other members of Kara’s design team are using Dreamweaver to also work on the site. What should Kara name this file?
A. Ktem.dwt
B. KTem.htm
C. KarasTemplate.asp
D. KarasTemplate.tem
Answer: A
You receive complaints from customers that your Web site is inaccessible. You check the Web server and notice that it is behaving sluggishly. You cannot explain the sluggishness because the server logs show that few Web server connections exist. However, a security worker notices that thousands of ICMP packets are being sent to the server every second, making the server drop connections. What type of attack is being waged against your site?
A. Brute force
B. Denial of service
C. Social engineering
D. Password guessing
Answer: B
You have been given a JPEG image to insert in a page. This image was taken using a high-resolution camera. Which of the following is the primary concern in regard to your Web site’s users?
A. Image download time
B. Lossy compression issues
C. JPEG image support of only 256 colors
D. The pixelated appearance of JPEG images
Answer: A
Which of the following formats uses Extensible Markup Language (XML) to describe certain shapes and is best for working with two-dimensional line art and shapes?
Answer: A
Which of the following strategies is best for implementing bulk e-mailing to customers?
A. Buy an e-mail list from a vendor that sells a similar product.
B. Give customers the option to receive or to stop receiving bulk e-mail.
C. Send e-mail messages to all customer e-mail addresses collected at the time of purchase.
D. Generate a list of e-mail addresses from a directory listing of people who work in the same field as your company.
Answer: B
It is often suggested that a Web design team hire a professional editor. What advantage does the contribution of the editor bring to the site design process?
A. The editor brings cultural perspectives to the process.
B. The editor sets the tone, making style guides unnecessary.
C. The editor is responsible for the accuracy of the information.
D. The editor ensures that the site is consistent in tone and content.
Answer: D
Your site development team has created a Web site, and you want to test its accessibility. Which of the following do you need to conduct the test?
A. A test pool of very unskilled users
B. A test pool of at least five or six typical users
C. A test pool of at least six members of the Web team
D. A test pool of fewer than five moderately skilled users
Answer: B
You have created a design template using Dreamweaver MX 2004 and generated several child Web pages from this original template. What happens if you edit the original template?
A. The Z-index of each child page increases.
B. The change has no effect on the child pages.
C. The layer number of each child page increases.
D. The child pages reflect the change to the original.
Answer: D
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