[ATTENTION] How to pass the Apple 9L0-420 exam quickly? Free download Apple 9L0-420 65q Exam practice test with all new exam questions. You can also get more new version on Lead2pass.com.
What is the role of POP in email transactions?
A. POP translates IP addresses into domain names, and vice versa.
B. POP lets mail clients retrieve email from the mail server.
C. POP transfers outgoing email from the sender’s mail server to the recipient’s mail server.
D. POP provides user account information, including the email address associated with a particular user account.
Answer: B
Which password was generated by choosing Letters & Numbers from the Type menu in Password Assistant?
A. tend13)fuser
B. htb3RL492QuB
C. 210691077647
D. }\B’h9QadW{.
Answer: B
You’ve used Boot Camp Assistant to create a partition on your Mac. Which step does the Windows installer perform before it finishes installing and configuring Windows?
A. Install Mac-specific drivers and support software
B. Reformat the partition using NTFS
C. Use Disk Utility to reformat the partition for Windows
D. Start up the computer using the BOOTCAMP partition
Answer: B
What is the role of Bonjour in the Messages application?
A. To stream video between Messages users
B. To communicate with Google Talk accounts
C. To discover other Messages users on the local network
D. To communicate with AIM chat accounts
Answer: C
When a firmware password is set on a Mac, which of these becomes more difficult for unauthorized users to do?
A. Installing applications on the Mac
B. Accessing the Internet from the Mac
C. Pairing Bluetooth devices with the Mac
D. Starting up the Mac from the Recovery HD partition
Answer: D
Which step will prepare your computers to migrate documents from a Windows computer to a new Mac using Migration Assistant?
A. Connecting both computers to the same network
B. Starting up the Mac in target disk mode and connecting the computers with a USB cable
C. Connecting an external hard drive to the Windows computer
D. Connecting the Mac to the Windows computer with a USB cable Answer: A
Review the screenshot then answer the question below.
Using the interface shown in the screenshot, how can you make a Mac generate a random password?
A. Click the Change Password button and choose Random from the New popup menu.
B. Option-click in the "New password" field and choose Random from the New pop-up menu.
C. Control-click in the "New password" field and choose Random from the New pop-up menu.
D. Click the Key icon to open Password Assistant and choose Random from the Type pop-up menu.
Answer: D
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