Easily Pass MB6-871 Exam By Training Lead2pass Latest Microsoft MB6-871 VCE Dumps(41-50)

Lead2pass provides guarantee of Microsoft MB6-871 exam because Lead2pass is an authenticated IT certifications site and the high class of the products are developed due to extensive hiring of the experts staff. The MB6-871 study guide is updated with regular basis and the answers are rechecked of every exam.What’s more, you can download the free demos in PDF file, it would be a great help for your exam.

In Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012, which of the following can you analyze by using the Dimension statement? (Choose all that apply.)

A.    budget transactions
B.    cash flow forecast transactions
C.    customer balances
D.    General Ledger transactions
E.    vendor balances

Answer: ABD

In Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012, how can you identify errors and duplicates in a row definition structure before you update the existing structure?

A.    In the General Ledger module, run the Audit trail report.
B.    Run the Where used report on the Row definitions form.
C.    In the System Administration module, run the Consistency check periodic function.
D.    In the Structure designer form, select the Check check box and the Simulate check box.

Answer: D

What is the first step in the process of creating a new financial statement in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012?

A.    Create a row definition.
B.    Create a dimension set.
C.    Design the financial statement row structure.
D.    Create the financial statement column definition.

Answer: B

In Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012, what process allows you to view inconsistencies at the bottom of a printed financial statement?

A.    Create an exceptionrow type in the row definition.
B.    Create a dimension set section in the row definition.
C.    Print the footer section of the financial statement.
D.    Print the miscellaneous section of the financial statement.

Answer: A

In Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012, how can you assign fixed asset numbering? (Choose all that apply.)

A.    manually
B.    automatically based on value models
C.    automatically based on fixed asset groups
D.    automatically based on a fixed asset calendar

Answer: AC


In Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012, which of the following statements must be true in order to edit the calendar attached to a Depreciation book?

A.    No journals or transactions with any status exist for the Depreciation book.
B.    No journals or transactions with an Open status exist for the Depreciation book.
C.    No journals or transactions with a Closed status exist for the Depreciation book.
D.    No journals or transactions with a Suspended status exist for the Depreciation book.

Answer: A

In Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012, where can you review value models that are linked to a fixed asset?

A.    In the corresponding main account.
B.    In the Fixed asset group form.
C.    In the Fixed asset parameters form.
D.    In the Fixed asset posting profile form.

Answer: B

Which of the following statements about the Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 Depreciation book is true?

A.    The Depreciation book cannot be re-run while the periods are open for the Depreciation book.
B.    The Depreciation book can be re-run only one time before the periods are closed for the Depreciation book.
C.    The Depreciation book can be re-run only two times before the periods are closed for the Depreciation book.
D.    The Depreciation book can be re-run as many times as necessary while the periods are open for the Depreciation book.

Answer: D

In Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 which journal type should you use in the Journal name form if budgets for fixed assets are required?

A.    Daily
B.    Periodic
C.    Post fixed asset
D.    Fixed asset budget

Answer: D

You enter a new fixed asset, number FUR-ELC000136, in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012.
When you validate the acquisition journal for the new fixed asset, the system displays the following message:
Account for the transaction type, value model, does not exist for fixed asset FUR-ELC000136.
What is the cause of the problem?

A.    The offset account does not exist in the Acquisition journal name form.
B.    The main account for the acquisition transaction type does not exist in the value model.
C.    The main account for the acquisition transaction type does not exist in the main account table.
D.    The main account for the acquisition transaction type does not exist in the fixed asset posting profile.

Answer: D

Good news, Lead2pass has updated the MB6-871 exam preparation material. With all the questions and answers in your hands, you will pass the Microsoft MB6-871 exam easily. We make our promise that Lead2pass is your best choice.If you want to get more MB6-871 exam preparation material,you can download the free brain dumps in PDF files on Lead2pass.It would be great help for your exam.All the dumps are updated and cover every aspect of the examination.


