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XIV Replication and Migration V1: 000-967 Exam
000-967 Questions & Answers
Exam Code: 000-967
Exam Name: XIV Replication and Migration V1
Q & A: 135 Q&As

1.When migrating a volume from a DS8100 to an XIV system, which of the following best
describes considerations for this migration?
A. The source volume size must be a multiple of 17 GB.
B. The source volume must not be a global mirror source volume.
C. The DS8100 must be connected to the XIV using two or more paths.
D. The volume must be accessible only from the XIV, and inaccessible to all other hosts.
Answer: D

2.When setting up an Intel Linux host to boot from the SAN, the host adapter BIOS should
A. Enabled
B. Deleted
C. Disabled
D. Installed
Answer: A

3.An asynchronous replication on an XIV system has been running for some time with no
issues. A synch job is scheduled for 4:00 AM, at which point all updated volumes will be
replicated to the DR site. By what method are the updates calculated?
A. The “most_recent” snapshot is created on the master, and compared to the
“last_replicated” snapshot on the slave.
B. The “most_recent” snapshot is created on the master, and compared to the
“last_replicated” snapshot on the master.
C. The timestamps of the block writes to the master are used to determine the writes to be
sent; only writes occurring after the last synch job are sent.
D. The new entries in the asynch buffer are used to determine the writes to be sent to the
slave; only writes occurring after the last synch job are sent.
Answer: B

4.A customer is preparing to initiate a migration from legacy storage to an XIV system.
What IBM tool can be used to gather and store historical disk array performance data?
A. IBM DS Storage Manager
B. IBM Tivoli Storage Manager
C. IBM Tivoli Storage Productivity Center for Data
D. IBM Tivoli Storage Productivity Center Standard Edition
Answer: D

5.A storage consultant is conducting a planning session for an XIV implementation. The
customer is interested in the remote mirroring feature. The two locations are 200 miles
apart with multiple DS3000 links (45Mbit/sec per line). One XIV system will be installed in
each location. What type of XIV replication fits the requirement best?
A. metro mirroring
B. global mirroring
C. synchronous mirroring
D. asynchronous mirroring
Answer: D

6.In a 6 module XIV system configuration, how many iSCSI ports for each XIV system can
be used for remote mirroring?
A. 0
B. 1
C. 2
D. 6
Answer: A

7.What is an IBM resource for identifying host bus adapters that are compatible with the
XIV system?
A. IBM XIV Storage System Sales Kit
B. System Storage Interoperation Center web page
C. XIV Storage System Host System Attachment Guide
D. IBM XIV Storage System: Architecture, Implementation, and Usage Redbook
Answer: B

8.A worldwide financial company is interested in XIV replication. Their requirement is to
replicate data between Chicago to Tokyo on an hourly basis. The data change rate ranges
from 50 MB/s to 100 MB/s. Assuming sufficient bandwidth, can the XIV system meet
these requirements?
A. No, XIV doesn’t have remote mirroring function.
B. Yes, XIV asynchronous mirroring can support it.
C. Yes, all XIV mirroring technologies can support it.
D. No, none of XIV mirroring technologies can support it.
Answer: B

9.A customer has two 10-module XIV systems, each located at a different site.
Synchronous replication is operating between the XIV systems in a bi-directional
configuration and using iSCSI as the transport. The sites are linked via Metropolitan Area
Network (MAN). A variety of business functions are sharing the site-to-site link with the
XIV replication including VoIP, remote desktop, email, and other business related
functions. There is currently no prioritization or quality of service being applied to the
site-to-site link. At random times during the month, a changing number of
business critical applications are experiencing severe performance degradation. At the
times when the performance degradation is occurring, VoIP users are reporting a large
number of dropped and lost calls. It has been noted, the performance degradation seems
to be worse during month-end processing but there are no measurements to support this
assertion. It has also been noted that the performance degradation does not seem to be
limited to servers hosted on the XIV systems. The customer has asked if adding additional
modules to the XIV systems would resolve the performance issue. Which of the
following items should be monitored to answer the customer’s question?
A. Site-to-site link latency.
B. CPU Utilization for each XIV system module.
C. CPU utilization on performance degraded servers.
D. Fibre Port bandwidth on non-XIV attached servers.
Answer: A

10.An asynchronous replication is created with a schedule of 20 seconds. Due to the
amount of data to replicate, an average synch job takes 30 seconds for this design. Which
of the following situations will apply?
A. Replication will not lag behind new data creation.
B. Replication will lag behind new data creation by an average of 40 seconds.
C. Replication will lag behind new data creation by an average of 20 seconds.
D. Replication will lag behind new data creation by an average of 30 seconds.
Answer: B

11.A governmental agency has purchased an XIV system to replace an IBM DS4300 that
is out of support.
The current host environment includes many AIX hosts with single HBAs. The manager of
information technology would like to better understand what options are available for data
migration. Which of the following statements describes the support level for migration in
this environment?
A. Single attached hosts are not supported with XIV.
B. Hosts cannot be migrated via host-based mirroring.
C. IBM DS4300 is not supported as an XIV data migration source.
D. Single attached hosts can be migrated with XIV data migration.
Answer: D

12.A large corporation has purchased an XIV Storage System to replace an existing fiber
channel storage subsystem. Which of the following is an unsupported method to migrate
this data?
A. IBM Softek TDMF
B. XIV Volume Copy
C. XIV Data Migration
D. Native Host-Based Mirroring
Answer: B

13.In asynchronous replication, the “most_recent” snapshot represents:
A. the most recent snapshot taken of the slave, existing only on the slave XIV.
B. the most recent snapshot taken of the master, existing only on the master XIV.
C. the most recent snapshot taken of the slave, existing on both the master and slave XIV
at completion of replication.
D. the most recent snapshot taken of the master, existing on both the master and slave
XIV at completion of replication.
Answer: B

14.Which of the following operating system types requires an RPQ for attachment to an
XIV system?
A. AIX 5.1
B. AIX 5.3
C. AIX 5.2
D. AIX 6.1
Answer: C

15.In a 15 module XIV system configuration, what is the minimum number of FC ports for
each XIV system to be used for remote mirroring if an FCP link is to be used?
A. 0
B. 1
C. 2
D. 4
Answer: C

16.An XIV system can be associated with how many other XIV systems for the purpose of
A. 1
B. 4
C. 8
D. 16
Answer: D

17.What is the largest logical LUN size that can be created on a single XIV system?
A. 2 TB
B. 16 TB
C. 32 TB
D. Only limited by the total physical capacity of the system
Answer: D

18.A customer is planning to migrate two 20 GB LUNs from a legacy storage system to an
XIV system using the XIV data migration facility. How much capacity will be allocated on
the XIV system?
A. 34 GB
B. 40 GB
C. 68 GB
D. 72 GB
Answer: C

19.LUNs have been provisioned to a Red Hat Enterprise Linux server. However, the disks
are not being recognized on the system. After investigating the possible cause, the
administrator realized that the /etc/selinux/config file needs to be modified to support the
XIV system. Which line needs to be edited in the file?
A. change SELINUX=enforcing to SELINUX=disabled
B. change SELINUX=disabled to SELINUX=enforcing
C. change SELINUXTYPE=strict to SELINUXTYPE=targeted
D. change SELINUXTYPE=targeted to SELINUXTYPE=strict
Answer: A

20.A DS4800 is the current primary storage subsystem. A customer is using this with
native AIX MPIO.
Which of the following statements is TRUE regarding XIV data migration in this
A. AIX MPIO will allow simultaneous read/write access to the XIV and DS4800.
B. After the XIV data migration is activated, there is no option to update the data on the
C. The data can be read or written by the host after the zoning is changed and XIV data
migration is activated.
D. The pathing mechanism is active/active for DS4800 and it has to be kept the same
during the data migration to provide data availability from the host.
Answer: C

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