[Full Version] New Lead2pass 500-285 Dumps PDF Version Released For Free Downloading (41-50)

2017 February Cisco Official New Released 500-285 Dumps in Lead2pass.com!

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Lead2pass is ready to provide Cisco candidates with 500-285 exam dumps which can be very helpful for getting Cisco certification, which means that candidates can easily get access to the services of Cisco 500-285 exam dumps, which will assure them 100% passing success rate. With Lead2pass 500-285 exam dumps, it will be easy to pass your 500-285 exam at your first time.

Following questions and answers are all new published by Cisco Official Exam Center: http://www.lead2pass.com/500-285.html

One of the goals of geolocation is to identify which option?

A.    the location of any IP address
B.    the location of a MAC address
C.    the location of a TCP connection
D.    the location of a routable IP address

Answer: D

Which option is not a characteristic of dashboard widgets or Context Explorer?

A.    Context Explorer is a tool used primarily by analysts looking for trends across varying periods of time.
B.    Context Explorer can be added as a widget to a dashboard.
C.    Widgets offer users an at-a-glance view of their environment.
D.    Widgets are offered to all users, whereas Context Explorer is limited to a few roles.

Answer: B

Which statement describes the meaning of a red health status icon?

A.    A critical threshold has been exceeded.
B.    At least one health module has failed.
C.    A health policy has been disabled on a monitored device.
D.    A warning threshold has been exceeded.

Answer: A

What is the maximum timeout value for a browser session?

A.    60 minutes
B.    120 minutes
C.    1024 minutes
D.    1440 minutes

Answer: D

Which statement regarding user exemptions is true?

A.    Non-administrators can be made exempt on an individual basis.
B.    Exempt users have a browser session timeout restriction of 24 hours.
C.    Administrators can be exempt from any browser session timeout value.
D.    By default, all users cannot be exempt from any browser session timeout value.

Answer: A

Remote access to the Defense Center database has which characteristic?

A.    read/write
B.    read-only
C.    Postgres
D.    Estreamer


The collection of health modules and their settings is known as which option?

A.    appliance policy
B.    system policy
C.    correlation policy
D.    health policy

Answer: D

Context Explorer can be accessed by a subset of user roles. Which predefined user role is valid for FireSIGHT event access?

A.    Administrator
B.    Intrusion Administrator
C.    Maintenance User
D.    Database Administrator

Answer: A

When configuring an LDAP authentication object, which server type is available?

A.    Microsoft Active Directory
B.    Yahoo
C.    Oracle
D.    SMTP

Answer: A

Context Explorer can be accessed by a subset of user roles.
Which predefined user role is not valid for FireSIGHT event access?

A.    Administrator
B.    Intrusion Administrator
C.    Security Analyst
D.    Security Analyst (Read-Only)

Answer: B

Lead2pass are committed on providing you with the latest and most accurate 500-285 exam dumps. Our 500-285 dump is rich in variety. We offer 500-285 PDF dumps and 500-285 VCE dumps. We ensure you can pass the 500-285 easily. Welcome to Lead2pass.com.

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2017 Cisco 500-285 exam dumps (All 65 Q&As) from Lead2pass:

http://www.lead2pass.com/500-285.html [100% Exam Pass Guaranteed]

