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Following questions and answers are all new published by Cisco Official Exam Center: http://www.lead2pass.com/642-999.html

Which two elements are defined in a dynamic vNIC connection policy? (Choose two.)

A.    adapter policy
B.    QoS policy
C.    network control policy
D.    number of dynamic vNICs
E.    jumbo frame size

Answer: AD

Which two of the listed BIOS options are required for VM-FEX in high performance mode? (Choose two.)

A.    RSS
B.    interrupt coherency
C.    virtualization technology
D.    cache validation
E.    ATS support

Answer: CE

Which item represents a secure method of transmitting fault data with Cisco Call Home?

A.    IPsec
B.    SSL email
C.    secure XML
D.    Cisco Transport Gateway
E.    RSA Digital Certificate

Answer: D

Which item is required for communication between Cisco Unified Computing System Manager and VMware vCenter?

A.    VeriSign Digital Certificates
B.    RSA Digital Certificates
C.    Cisco Unified Computing System Manager Extension Key
D.    VeriSign Plug-In
E.    WMware vCenter Certificate Services

Answer: C

How many certificates does Cisco Unified Computing System Manager have to export to communicate with VMware vCenter server if the VMware ESXi hosts are all running version 5.0 or higher?

A.    1
B.    2
C.    4
D.    8
E.    16

Answer: A

What is the purpose of the maximum ports that are filed in the port profile?

A.    determines the maximum number of uplinks that VMs can use
B.    determines the maximum number of VMs that can use the DVS
C.    determines the maximum number of DVSs that can use the port profile
D.    determines the maximum number of dynamic vNICS on the DVS

Answer: D

What is the maximum number of ports on a VMware vCenter Distributed Virtual Switch?

A.    64
B.    128
C.    1024
D.    4096
E.    8192

Answer: D

In the Create Dynamic vNIC Connection Policy dialog box, there is a configurable field titled Protection. What is the significance of the three choices for Protection?

A.    allows reserve vNICs to be allocated out of the spares pool
B.    enables hardware-based failover
C.    enables static binding of the VM port profile to dynamic vNICs
D.    selects the primary fabric association for dynamic vNICs
E.    allows dynamic vNICs to be reserved for fabric failover

Answer: D

How does a dynamic vNIC get allocated?

A.    Dynamic vNICs are assigned to VMs in VMware vCenter.
B.    Dynamic vNICs can only be bound to the service profile through an updating template.
C.    Dynamic vNICs are bound directly to a service profile.
D.    Dynamic vNICs are assigned by binding a port profile to the service profile.

Answer: C

After staging a VEM file on a VMware ESXi 5.0 host in the /tmp directory, what is the correct command syntax to install the VEM?

A.    esxcli software vib install -d /tmp/VEM500-20110825132140-BG-release.zip -maintenance-mode
B.    esxcli software vib install -v /tmp/VEM500-20110825132140-BG-release.zip -maintenance-mode
C.    esxupdate software vib install -d /tmp/VEM500-20110825132140-BG-release.zip -maintenance-mode
D.    esxupdate software vib install -v /tmp/VEM500-20110825132140-BG-release.vib -maintenance-mode

Answer: A

Which network driver is required on a VMware ESXi 5.0 host for a vNIC to enter Cisco VM-FEX universal passthrough mode?

B.    Vlance
C.    Flexible
D.    E1000e

Answer: A

Which virtual hardware version is required for a VM to enter the Cisco VM-FEX universal passthrough mode?

A.    Version 5
B.    Version 6
C.    Version 7
D.    Version 8
E.    Version 9

Answer: D

Which feature must be configured for Linux VMs to be able to transition from Cisco VM-FEX standard mode to universal passthrough mode?

A.    RSS
B.    MSI Interrupt Mode
C.    VEMDPA Agent
D.    Execute Disabled Bit
E.    Processor C State

Answer: B

Which of the following is true concerning the Global Chassis Discovery policy configuration on the Cisco Unified Computing System Manager when using Cisco Unified Computing System 22XX I/O modules with Cisco UCS 62XX Fabric Interconnects?

A.    The link grouping preference should be set to discrete mode when the number of northbound links are
not a power of 2.
B.    Set the action policy-count higher than the actual number of uplinks; otherwise, the Cisco Unified Computing
System servers will not be discovered.
C.    For Cisco Unified Computing System implementations that mix I/O modules with different numbers of links,
it is best to manually reacknowledge the chassis in order to use all available links.
D.    Automatic reacknowledgement due to chassis discovery is never disruptive.

Answer: C

Which of the following is the most accurate concerning the link configuration between Cisco Unified Computing System 22XX I/O modules and Cisco Unified Computing System 62XX Fabric Interconnects?

A.    Port channels are always recommended when using source-dest-mac load balancing.
B.    The addition of links to a port channel requires a reacknowledgement.
C.    You cannot mix and match discrete links and port channeling for different chassis when using 22XX.
D.    Port channels do not require a Global Chassis Discovery policy.

Answer: A

Which of the following is not a feature of the Cisco Unified Computing System VIC-1280 adaptor?

A.    capable of up to 256 virtual interfaces
B.    supports FCoE
C.    supports Cisco VM-FEX
D.    compatible with the C- or B-Series Cisco Unified Computing System servers

Answer: D

Which of the following is true with respect to recovery from failure with automatic pinning that is configured on a cluster of Cisco Unified Computing System 62XX Fabric Interconnects?

A.    By default, server MAC addresses are pinned to uplink interfaces using PIN groups.
B.    When a northbound fabric interconnect link goes down, the affected servers will use NIC teaming to
re-establish connectivity on the second fabric interconnect.
C.    When a northbound fabric interconnect link goes down, the fabric interconnect will send a gratuitous
ARP to the northbound switch to announce the servers on the new port.
D.    In the event that all uplink ports on the fabric interconnect lose connectivity, the 22XX I/O module shuts
down all of the host ports until at least one uplink is restored.

Answer: C

How does a Cisco Unified Computing System react when configured for disjoint Layer 2 domains?

A.    Automatic pinning is disabled; VLAN membership must be statically pinned to the uplink ports.
B.    VLANs must be divided between the fabric interconnects using PIN groups.
C.    The VLAN traffic for a disjoint network can only travel along an uplink that is specifically assigned to this
VLAN and is selectively excluded from all other uplinks.
D.    When you configure disjoint Layer 2 networks, you must assign VLANs to uplink interfaces.

Answer: C

Which of the following is true with respect to hardware failover or NIC teaming within a Cisco Unified Computing System?

A.    Hardware failover is specified by the operating system.
B.    An uplink failure when using automatic pinning requires that hardware failover for the server vNIC
be disabled.
C.    NIC teaming is controlled by the vNIC.
D.    The hardware failover option that is available for Ethernet does not affect Fibre Channel traffic.

Answer: D

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