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Following questions and answers are all new published by SAP Official Exam Center: http://www.lead2pass.com/c-tbi30-74.html
Which of the following actions can you perform in SAP BusinessObjects Explorer?
A. Create a new chart type.
B. Change the chart type used for data visualization.
C. Import data directly from a dashboard.
D. Design a layout template.
Answer: B
For which data sources does SAP recommend the use of Crystal Reports for Enterprise?
A. BI4.0 OLAP universes (.unx) and BEx Queries in the BW 7.x system
B. BI4.0 relational universes (.unx) and BEx Queries in the BW 3.x system
C. Microsoft Essbase and BEx Queries in the BW 3.x system
D. SAP ERP tables and BEx Queries in the BW 7.x system
Answer: A
What is a capability of the SAP BusinessObjects BI platform?
A. Provide an alternative to data warehouse solutions.
B. Analyze large volumes of operational data in real-time.
C. Perform compression to reduce data storage.
D. Provide one unified infrastructure for data assets and analytics.
Answer: D
Which InfoObjects can you use when creating BEx Queries? (Choose two)
A. Hierarchies
B. Structures
C. Filters
D. Characteristics
E. Key figures
Answer: DE
You use BEx Query Designer to create a query with the characteristic "Material" in the rows and the key figure "Sales Volume" in the columns.
Now you create an exception (Bad 3, Critical 2 and Good 1) and activate it.
After executing the query, all values under Sales Volume are colored.
You now edit the exception and click the Exception Only Affects Results button.
What happens in the report?
A. No report records are colored.
B. Only the Bad 3 values are colored.
C. Only the overall result of the Sales Volume key figure is colored.
D. The exception is deactivated automatically.
Answer: C
What is the objective of the semantic layer?
A. To validate data loaded into BW
B. To create transformations from various ERP systems to a BW system
C. To provide business users access to data without them needing to be familiar with the
structure of the data sources
D. To enable database administrators to create a data warehouse from multiple data sources
Answer: C
When can you create a new BEx variable?
A. When you define the data provider in the BEx Web Application Designer
B. When you maintain an InfoProvider in the Data Warehousing Workbench
C. When you work in design mode in the BEx Analyzer
D. When you restrict a characteristic in the BEx Query Designer
Answer: D
You want to ensure that the SAP BusinessObjects Analysis Add-In is started automatically with your VBA code executed.
Where do you call the start-up procedure for the Analysis Add-In?
A. In the properties settings of the VBA Editor
B. In the After Redisplay registered callback
C. In the workbook properties of the Components tab
D. In the standard Workbook_Open event
Answer: D
What is the purpose of an "Exception" in Query Designer?
A. To highlight data based on characteristic values
B. To highlight data based on key figure values
C. To hide data that does not meet threshold criteria
D. To filter on measure values
Answer: B
How are hierarchies in a BEx Query represented in Crystal Reports for Enterprise?
A. As fields representing the parent node ID and node ID
B. As subobjects of dimension objects for each existing hierarchy
C. As attribute objects that belong to a dimension object
D. As dimension objects for each node
Answer: B
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