[Newest Version] Dumps For Exam C_BOSUP_90 With New Updated Exam Questions (41-50)

2016 August SAP Official New Released C_BOSUP_90 Q&As in Lead2pass.com!

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Following questions and answers are all new published by SAP Official Exam Center: http://www.lead2pass.com/c-bosup-90.html

What is one of the roles of a Partner Services Advisor?

A.    Ramp-up assistant for the customer of the SAP PartnerEdge partner
B.    Trainer for Support Enablement
C.    The first point of contact for program and operational queries
D.    The dedicated point of escalation for level 3 support

Answer: C

What is SAP Solution Manager Enterprise Edition? (Choose two)

A.    An enablement program for SAP customers
B.    An enablement program for SAP partners
C.    A comprehensive view on a project/release plan with all quality gates and their associated activities
D.    A platform for realizing the value of SAP Enterprise Support

Answer: CD

What are benefits of using Root Cause Analysis of SAP Solution Manager? (Choose two)

A.    Safe remote access
B.    Report development
C.    Performance measurement
D.    Batch job planning

Answer: AC

Which Service Desk feature provides all the functions to analyze and monitor an entire SAP solution centrally?

A.    Solution Manager Diagnostics
B.    Implementation Roadmap
C.    Root Cause Analysis
D.    SAP Notes

Answer: A

Which scenarios will be addressed by SAP Solution Manager in Life Cycle Management? (Choose two)

A.    Best practices for embedding third-party software
B.    Discovery of corrective software packages
C.    Automatic Deployment
D.    Hardware Management

Answer: BC

What types of remote connections to customer’s systems are available? (Choose two)

A.    Webex
B.    NetMeeting
C.    Netviewer
D.    R/3 Support

Answer: CD

You have decided to forward a message to the next support level. What should you include in the message? (Choose two)

A.    SAP Notes that have not been tested yet.
B.    The steps which you performed to reproduce the issue.
C.    Username and password in your internal message notice.
D.    All relevant information you have gathered.

Answer: BD

Assume you perform an SAP Note Search on ‘update’ and the search pattern Linguistic Search. Which of the following terms would be considered hits? (Choose two)

A.    Upgrade
B.    Updating
C.    Update
D.    Up-to-date

Answer: BC

What are benefits of SAP Notes to the installed base? (Choose two)

A.    They allow support consultants to quickly provide solutions for problems which have already been
solved before.
B.    SAP Notes inform customers about corporate strategy.
C.    They allow customers to find solutions for their own product issues.
D.    One SAP Note can cover multiple technical issues.

Answer: AC

What does component refer to when creating a message?

A.    The component is an attribute used to identify the system.
B.    The component is an attribute that allows a classification from the application perspective.
C.    Components are part of data dictionary.
D.    Components are part of a report.

Answer: B

The strength of our C_BOSUP_90 training products is the constant update that we perform to keep abreast with the market trends and changes. Our C_BOSUP_90 training program is not only the best option for certification but also enhances your skill to an advance level.

C_BOSUP_90 new questions on Google Drive: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B3Syig5i8gpDZk5ib3J2VERrbjA

2016 SAP C_BOSUP_90 exam dumps (All 85 Q&As) from Lead2pass:

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