[Newest Version] Easily Pass C_BOSUP_90 Exam By Training Lead2pass Latest VCE Dumps (11-20)

2016 August SAP Official New Released C_BOSUP_90 Q&As in Lead2pass.com!

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Are you worring about the C_BOSUP_90 exam? With the complete collection of C_BOSUP_90 exam questions and answers, Lead2pass has assembled to take you through your C_BOSUP_90 exam preparation. Each Q & A set will test your existing knowledge of C_BOSUP_90 fundamentals, and offer you the latest training products that guarantee you passing C_BOSUP_90 exam easily.

Following questions and answers are all new published by SAP Official Exam Center: http://www.lead2pass.com/c-bosup-90.html

You have picked a message from the queue. What are your next steps? (Choose two)

A.    Try to guess what the customer might want to have.
B.    Get a thorough understanding of the issue from the information given in the message.
C.    Ask the customer for their usernames and passwords.
D.    Search for notes and confirmed messages.

Answer: BD

The customer has an error that can be reproduced on their system. How do you proceed to investigate this issue?

A.    The customer is no longer entitled to support since they have caused a fault in the system.
B.    Ask the customer to use a different system since this installation is experiencing issues.
C.    Ask the customer to document the workflow step by step so that you can attempt to reproduce the
issue on your internal system.
D.    The customer’s system has the fault therefore you only need to use their system for further investigation
and testing.

Answer: C

What is the definition of Initial Reaction Time (IRT)?

A.    The contractually agreed time for the first qualified response to customer.
B.    The time elapsed between the following two statuses assigned to the messagE. – Sent to SAP – Confirmed.
C.    The overall time taken to process the message.
D.    The amount of time that a customer message has been within the responsibility of SAP.

Answer: A

Which of the following terms would be considered hits, if you performed a Note Search on integral? (Choose two)

A.    Integral
B.    Integer
C.    Integration
D.    Integrity

Answer: AC

Which of the following statements is a true representation of an installation?

A.    An installation can contain only one system linked to it.
B.    Each customer has only one installation per legal entity.
C.    An installation is related to the number of employees in that organization.
D.    Each customer can have several installations associated to their identifier.

Answer: D

You opened a message and want to request for an update. How can you do that?

A.    Via e-mail
B.    Via the action Update Message with SAP
C.    Via the report Synchronize Messages (RNOTIFUPDATE01)
D.    Via SAP Service Marketplace

Answer: B

You have found an SAP Note related to a customer’s message and would like to send this to the customer. What status should the message be changed to?

A.    Proposed Solution
B.    In Process
C.    Sent to SAP
D.    Sent to Support

Answer: A

What are the goals of the enablement program for SAP PartnerEdge partners? (Choose two)

A.    To assist SAP PartnerEdge partners with non-technical requirements
B.    To ensure that SAP PartnerEdge program is a completely self-help environment
C.    To manage the readiness of SAP PartnerEdge partners to provide support
D.    To accelerate the ramp up of SAP PartnerEdge partners

Answer: CD

As you gain experience in solving messages you will also increase the amount of knowledge around the product. How can you reference these solutions in the future?

A.    Document solutions and share this information with your colleagues.
B.    Each customer and message is unique so previous solutions are not useful.
C.    Keep the solutions only in the previously solved messages.
D.    Contact the customer to find out what the solution was for their solved message.

Answer: A

When processing a message it is not always clear what should be documented. What is a best practice when including information in the message?

A.    Putting too much information in the internal memos makes the case confusing and harder for others to
use the information.
B.    Documenting information is not required because other colleagues will contact the customer when they
take over the message.
C.    Maintaining detailed internal memos saves time in the long run and contributes to knowledge transfer.
D.    Contact the customer each time you need detailed information about their installation.

Answer: C

At Lead2pass, we are positive that our SAP C_BOSUP_90 preparation material with questions and answers PDF provide most in-depth solutions for individuals that are preparing for the SAP C_BOSUP_90 exam. Our updated C_BOSUP_90 braindumps will allow you the opportunity to know exactly what to expect on the exam day and ensure that you can pass the exam beyond any doubt.

C_BOSUP_90 new questions on Google Drive: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B3Syig5i8gpDZk5ib3J2VERrbjA

2016 SAP C_BOSUP_90 exam dumps (All 85 Q&As) from Lead2pass:

http://www.lead2pass.com/c-bosup-90.html [100% Exam Pass Guaranteed]

