[PDF&VCE] Easily Pass C_TAW12_731 Exam With Lead2pass Updated SAP C_TAW12_731 Dumps (11-20)

2016 August SAP Official New Released C_TAW12_731 Dumps in Lead2pass.com!

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2016 latest released SAP official C_TAW12_731 exam question free download from Lead2pass! All new updated questions and answers are real questions from SAP Exam Center!

Following questions and answers are all new published by SAP Official Exam Center: http://www.lead2pass.com/c-taw12-731.html

What is the purpose of implicit enhancement points?

A.    To add fields to an SAP database table
B.    To add code to a standard SAP program
C.    To change code in a standard SAP program
D.    To create a secondary index for an SAP database table

Answer: B

When do you need to use the GROUP BY clause in the SELECT statement?

A.    If you want to redefine the sequence of the columns in the result set
B.    If you want to use aggregate functions and all components in the field list are aggregate functions
C.    If you want to use ORDER BY to specify a sub-order
D.    If you want to use aggregate functions and at least one component in the field list is a column identifier

Answer: D

You create a function group ZATP. What is the name of the corresponding main program?

A.    ZATP

Answer: B

You have written a program to output data using the ALV grid control. Which sequence of steps should be executed at runtime?

A.    1. Create a container object
2. Create a grid object
3. Pass data to the grid object
B.    1. Create a grid object
2. Pass data to the grid object
3. Create a container object
C.    1. Pass data to the grid object
2. Create a container object
3. Create a grid object
D.    1. Create a grid object
2. Create a container object
3. Pass data to the grid object

Answer: A

What is mandatory for automatic data transport between a variable and an input field on a classical screen (dynpro)?

A.    The variable must be declared using the DATA statement.
B.    The property OUTPUT of the input field must be set.
C.    The variable must be declared using the TABLES statement.
D.    The name of the variable and the name of the input field must be identical.

Answer: D

Which comparison operators can you use in a logical expression related to the WHERE clause of the SELECT statement? (Choose three)

A.    GT (greater than)
B.    LIKE (fits pattern)
C.    CO (contains only)
D.    CP (covers pattern)
E.    EQ (equals)

Answer: ABE

You are required to add customer source code in the SAP delivered object using the new enhancement framework without modification. How can you find the available enhancement? (Choose three)

A.    Perform a program-related global search for a customer exit.
B.    Search for a Business Transaction Event in the Customizing tree (transaction SPRO).
C.    Select from the list of application-related BAdIs or enhancement spots in the SAP Application Hierarchy.
D.    Perform a program-related global search for GET BADI.
E.    Select from the list of freely selected BAdIs or enhancement spots in the Repository Information System.

Answer: CDE

Which of the following predefined ABAP types is incomplete?

A.    F
B.    P

Answer: B

Which controller types can exist within a Web Dynpro component? (Choose three)

A.    Window controller
B.    User controller
C.    Application controller
D.    View controller
E.    Component controller

Answer: ADE

When should you use a hashed internal table? (Choose two)

A.    When accessing mainly single records
B.    When accessing by secondary key
C.    When accessing using the left-justified part of the key
D.    When accessing always by primary key
E.    When accessing by index

Answer: AD

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2016 SAP C_TAW12_731 exam dumps (All 85 Q&As) from Lead2pass:

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