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Are you interested in successfully completing the SAP C_TBIT44_731 Certification Then start to earning Salary? Lead2pass has leading edge developed SAP exam questions that will ensure you pass this C_TBIT44_731 exam! Lead2pass delivers you the most accurate, current and latest updated C_TBIT44_731 Certification exam questions and available with a 100% money back guarantee promise!
Following questions and answers are all new published by SAP Official Exam Center: http://www.lead2pass.com/c-tbit44-731.html
You want to build an integration process using a container operation.
Which operations can you use in the properties of the container operation? (Choose two)
A. Copy
B. Concatenate
C. Delete
D. Append
E. Assign
Answer: DE
Where can you maintain content-based routing?
A. In the value mapping group
B. In the sender agreement
C. In the receiver agreement
D. In the receiver determination
Answer: D
When should you refresh the runtime cache of the Integration Server and the Adapter Framework?
A. When starting transaction SXI_CACHE
B. When saving a configuration scenario in the Integration Directory
C. When refreshing the view in the CPA cache
D. When activating a change list in the Integration Directory
Answer: D
In which step types of a ccBPM process can you select the "Create New Transaction" property? (Choose three)
A. Receive
B. Send
C. Transformation
D. Receiver Determination
E. Wait
Answer: BCD
Which of the following building blocks is part of a service-oriented architecture (SOA)?
A. SOA Manager
B. SOA design governance
C. SOA business object enablement
D. SOA WS Navigator
Answer: B
What are the key capabilities of SAP NetWeaver Process Integration? (Choose three)
A. Connectivity
B. Mapping
C. Routing
D. Master data management
E. Multi-channel access
Answer: ABC
What is a context object?
A. An ARIS modeling entity
B. An XPath expression
C. A placeholder for a namespace
D. An alias for an interface
Answer: B
A message is sent from the central Integration Engine to the Advanced Adapter Engine.
Which sequence of steps is typical for message processing in the Advanced Adapter Engine?
A. Receive message via HTTP Persist message Call multiple module processors Call pipeline
Send message to back-end system
B. Receive message via HTTP Persist message Call module processors Send message to
back-end system
C. Receive message via RFC Persist message Call module processors Send message to
back- end system
D. Receive message via JMS Persist message Call module processors Send message to
back- end system
Answer: B
You configure the sender RFC adapter to convert RFC calls from a sender to XML messages.
Which of the following does the Program ID parameter in the RFC adapter uniquely identify?
A. The RFC sender communication channel in the configured application server gateway
B. Outbound proxies
C. Proxy classes for service interfaces
D. The RFC sender communication channel to a remote server
Answer: A
The data type used in your mapping program has been structurally modified (for example, the parent name or the namespace has been changed). What is the next step you have to perform?
A. Adjust mappings using the data.
B. Reload test messages.
C. Adjust the structure of the inconsistencies in the data type.
D. Map original nodes to new nodes using drag and drop.
Answer: A
All SAP C_TBIT44_731 exam questions are the new checked and updated! In recent years, the C_TBIT44_731 certification has become a global standard for many successful IT companies. Want to become a certified SAP professional? Download Lead2pass 2016 latest released C_TBIT44_731 exam dumps full version and pass C_TBIT44_731 100%!
C_TBIT44_731 new questions on Google Drive: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B3Syig5i8gpDX0daUmpMRVFuUjQ
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