CCNP SWITCH (642-813) exam is a one of the professional level exam from CISCO. CCNA is pre requisition for this exam. This CISCO exam replaced the old BCMSN (642-812).This exam will help to deeply understanding the concepts of Switching. This exam Associated certification not only for CCNP but also CCDP. Exam duration of the exam is 120 minutes. You have to answer 56 question. The successful candidate have good understand of the configuring and managing and maintain and troubleshooting Cisco IP Switched Networks. Before planning to write exam you have to practice the demo exam which will boost your confident level.
The SWITCH 642-813 exam will certify that the successful candidate has important knowledge and skills necessary to to plan, configure and verify the implementation of complex enterprise switching solutions using Cisco’s Campus Enterprise Architecture. The SWITCH exam also covers secure integration of VLANs, WLANs, voice and video into campus networks.
Syllabus of CCNP SWITCH Certification
These are topics are covered in the new CCNP switch .
- Cisco enterprise campus architecture
- Configure and Implementing VLAN in campus networks
- Configure and implement the STP
- Configure and implementing inter-VLAN routing
- High availability and redundancy of campus network
- Securing in the campus network
- Advanced service of IP telephony ,video ,and wireless and QOS